Three in a blog

Eclectic postings from across the spectrum of arts, science, philosophy and religion.

Thursday, 5 March 2009

The campaign against pink

Wearing a fluffy pink dressing gown has taken on an unusually subversive edge recently.

When my young daughter burst into the world a few months ago we were showered with the kind cards and gifts of our friends and relatives. But not just any old cards and gifts - pink cards and gifts. Now I've got nothing against pink - as the dressing gown wearing suggests - I might even say I like it in moderation, but I was shocked by the unremitting quantity.

New parent or not, I'm not someone to pass up on the opportunity to investigate a social phenomena. So I sent out the intrepid coauthor of this blog to investigate. Were people choosing pink or was there no option?

The resulting reports made desultory reading - well known baby stores were parted into blue and pink as starkly as the...Red sea.

The initial shock of parenthood has now worn off and I have managed to visit a shop myself. We were in a popular supermarket chain that shall remained unnamed beginning with S, looking for a sunhat for Abigail. Being novices we didn't know where to find baby things so we asked an assistant and waited for them to return:
" I thought she was a girl so I bought this one." A pretty pink number was produced.
We followed the assistant to the hats for tiny heads and immediately fell for a sky blue offering with (environmentally friendly) cars stitched around the edge.

Having paid for our hat I happened to glance at the receipt. The description read:


Let's hope Abigail likes sky blue. I have a feeling she might be wearing quite a bit.



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