Three in a blog

Eclectic postings from across the spectrum of arts, science, philosophy and religion.

Thursday, 19 February 2009

All These Worlds Are Yours - Part 1


I could never get the hang of Thursdays. You know where you are with a Friday, that is, perched precariously to the outside of a spinning ball of rock orbiting a much larger ball of exploding hydrogen.

It has been my firm belief for many years now that the quicker we (the human race, not you and me specifically) get ourselves off this aforementioned ball of rock and onto a few others the better. We may by some chance survive the many potential disasters of the future, caused either by ourselves or the uncaring universe, but there's a final deadline. Eventually, our Sun will explode to an even greater extent than it is now and scorch our tiny rock ball clean. You may say that such an event is a long long time away, nothing to worry us, we'll be long gone. But think - medical care is improving. Life expectancy is going up. The younger you are now the older you'll get. Try telling that the apocalypse is coming in 10 billion years to a class of 10 year olds and watch the panic set in. Kids are wiser than we think.

So we need to get going. Get to orbit, get to the Moon, get to Mars. Get out of the Solar System. While our eggs are in one basket we are vulnerable. Only when we have colonised the stars can we start to relax. Would it not be a shame if intelligent life was snuffed out simply due to the fact its exploratory instinct was burnt out on this otherwise insignificant little planet?



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